Tuesday, August 9, 2011


Okay, okay. Call me behind the times, or stupid or whatever, buuuuut....I watch Glee avidly and two of my favorite songs are ones sung by Kurt (Chris Colffer). Which two you ask? Or possiibly "Get to the point, we don't care". Well, Rose's Turn and Some People. So that got me to the point that they're both from the play Gypsy so why don't I watch it? Well I did, and it was amazing. Sure it's a lot of traveling and moving around, but damn it's a good movie. Initially I asked my mom (I'm in college, but live at home. Shoot me.) to get me the soundtrack (I don't have a job.). She said if I registered for more classes she would. Well here I am enrolled in five classes and waitlisted for two. Three more than origianlly. Guess what she wouldn't order me? Exactly. So if anyone would be awesome and get me a copy of the soundtrack. And the Maniac CD considering I'm still missing that.

Now that I've got that out of the way, in case you haven't noticed I opened up a store (sort of) you can find here. Well we've got anything you want. Hand painted everything. Just ask, and we've got it. But come on, for hand painted bits it's a reasonable price. So geddit done.

I think that's it. Adios

Friday, May 27, 2011

Epic McFail

There is something seriously wrong with this picture. Go ahead look at it. What's missing?

Oh, that's right. I'm not playing the CD. Because, wait a minute. I don't have it. But aren't I the number one reviewer?? Oh...yes, yes I am.

So if you love me, because I am me, SiD!, you should contact me and send me a free copy. Real or burnt. Please do. Thanks xD


Monday, May 9, 2011

Here We Go; A WICKED Story

Another pun :)
Okay. So I have another bone to pick about movies. This time it's pretty Wicked.
Yes, it is becoming something we just don't know what. A movie, a TV show, etc. So I've been wandering around the message boards, because that's what I do, and I've noticed a few things, but first I wanted to go over a few ground rules of Wicked (the musical, not the book) to crush your spirits.
1) Galinda and Elphaba are indeed college students. As are a number of characters.
2) Elphaba is Elphaba, no one else but that in The Wicked Witch
3) Galinda is preppy, over the top, and ...her
4) The musical IS the musical, not the book, not the whatever-is-going-to-happen.

Now that that's out of the way let's discuss a few things.
Idina Menzel and Kristen Chenoweth were epic on broadway? Yeah, sure, whatever. Well...how old are they now? We've seen them both on Glee where they play motherly-aged people. And they have lines on their faces, and wrinkles by their eyes. Now I ask you, how would that look on screen?
That's out.
Yes we've heard Lea Michelle sing Defying Gravity, and it was alright. She played Idina's daughter, yeah okay. She is not Elphaba. She is Rachel right now and if Wicked becomes a TV show, she will never do it. Contracted to Fox.
Another hope crushed.
James Marsden as Fiyero? Please. Didn't I say Idina and Kristen were too old? Yeah.
As for Anne Hatheway, Emmy Rosum, Kristen Bell, etc. I'm sorry? Can Anne and Kristen hit those high notes? Or does Emmy look like an Elphaba?
Didn't think so.
As for Adam Lambert as Fiyero? Don't go there. He's a musician now. Music mainly. That's it.

So here's what I propose you do: wait. See what's going to happen, instead of waste your time wishing and hoping etc.
UNLESS you hope for Ty Bruns to be Fiyero. Then keep hoping.


Thursday, April 21, 2011

By The Way...

Oh that was punny. Okay not really...but yes it was.
Because I've got a bone to pick with some people. Don't get me wrong now, I love homosexuals, bisexuals, trannies, etc. But...and I know what you're thinking "But just means disknowledge everything I just said.
So if you think that or don't whatever, let me finish my rant.
Some of them really annoy me. Not the outlandishly gay ones like Kurt from Glee, but the...annoying(?) ones. The ones who I wonder who they're trying to convince more. Me or themselves? Because here's the thing. If you keep saying "We did this, but because I'm gay..." or "I had to see that cuz it had gay in it..." or whatever, we get it. So who doesn't? You? Maybe you need that identity check then.
And the rest of you. The I-need-attention-so-I-think-I'm-gay ones, you, are you really? Or are you just, ahem, looking for attention? You're so not gay, and one day you are going to regret ever thinking you were.
And then there's the straights. Not the cool ones like myself, but the judgemental, prejudice, homophobic ones. If you knew some gays like I do, you'd know that it's not a choice. It's a being.
The only reason you think there is a choice is because you acknowledge the ones above as being gay.
Another note: Stop saying gay as a derogetory term. It's not cool. It's "homophobe who thinks she's all that" not gay. How do you like it. And yes I stole that, so shoot me.

That's all I have to say, tell me what you think.

Always, as Promised,

"Blackbird singing in the dead of night, take these broken wings and learn to fly..."
-The Beatles.

Sunday, March 20, 2011


"[on Maniac's Mania]
Do not buy this album.
You didn’t let me finish; do not buy this album if the only reason you have to buy it is because you loved The Matches or/and Something with Numbers. That’s a stupid reason. Because you cannot possibly expect it to be the same.
However you can expect it to be something excitingly different. That you can’t get out of you’re head. Because it’s so good.
That’s what it is. It’s something completely new, different, or perhaps the very same that deserves to be credited as its own. Not as it’s previous.
You should buy this album because it’s new. It’s something that you didn’t dare think, because it’d get you’re hopes up way too much. New, refreshing, dangerous in its own ways.
You won’t be sorry. But this album because of Maniac. Because of the greatness they put into it, nothing more.
It’s maniacal. Buy it, give it, live it. It won’t be wasted.

So yeah, I reviewed it. Gave it five stars. The only problem with that, is I still need to buy it.
If you enjoy me, myself, or whatnot, you should help out. you know...
ALways as Promised,

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


wait. you watch Glee? do you like Harry Potter? no way! me too! so you know Blaine from Glee? Darren Criss? he PLAYS Harry in A VERY POTTER MUSICAL! wait. you havent seen it?! if you're a huffelpuff you might find it epic. geddit? oh wait you havent seen it.

anyway, go check it out. im on my phone so i cant post a link, but its on youtube and defines epic. epic doesnt definne it.

"what the hell is a huffelpuff?"
-dumbledore xD

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Point; An Indy Arrest

I'm a HUGE Star Wars fan, or Fanboy. Which naturally means I'm also an Indy junkie.
I'm here because of other "Indian Jones 5" crap. I was reading some boards on imdb (link) and I noticed that these people honestly think that their opinion will be considered. Newsflash: it wont.
Indy 5 is already in the works, at least script wise, and no big shot director, producer, or actor is gonna give a rats ass what you think. Everyone who thinks they should have stopped at Kingdom, too late. They decided five back when two was in the works.
Which leads me to my other point; Temple. So everyone hated Kingdom, yeah yeah, but if you hated it how can you honestly think Temple of Doom was better? That movie was just an excuse for one George Lucas to get out all his feelings of his divorce. Yeah, thanks George. In my opinion Kingdom is better than Temple; the story line is better thought out, there are more twists and turns than a San Fran freeway, and it doesn't have Willy.
Back to 5:
There are rumors that it is going to take place in the Bermuda Triangle, with Shia in on it. There are also rumors that Indy dies in the first five minutes. RUMORS! The only thing for certain IS that there is a fifth one, so stop saying they should stop because you're opinion DOES NOT MATTER.

I think I've said enough,
so I say Adios
Always, as Promised
"Who is more foolish, the fool or the fool who follows him?"
[If you want to proof my story let me know via e-mail/twitter. I'll send it to you]