Sunday, July 25, 2010

How To Tame A Marauder

So, those who read ;) my useless shiz...
Are you a Harry Potter fan?
Well I am...I've gotten to my inner nerd and read this fan fiction
"How To Tame A Marauder".
Do you know who they are?
Well I'm gonna say anyways :)
Mooney (Lupin)
Wormtail (Petegrew)
Padfoot (Sirius) and Prongs (James).

It's about a girl, Laura, in Gryffindor.
Same year as them, dormates with Mary, Lily, Martha and Charlotte.
The latter 3 Are the "Pretty ones".
Well we know Prongs ends up with Lily.
And Charlotte likes Mooney.

The story begins with 5th year, which is boring.
Laura can barely stand Sirius.
Laura and Mary aren't very good friends with the pretty ones,
nor the Marauders.

Until Mary is cursed.
That's when James and Laura become friends, and then Lily, Martha, and Charlotte and Laura.
So by default the rest of the Marauders too.

The next year is better.
Because they are all friends.
And, naturally as we all knew, James is head over for Lily.

Did I mention Sirius is a player?

Well I don't want to ruin it for everyone, because this is amazing.

And I want to make it a movie.
Think about it?

New actors, barely them at least, my "friends", a dodge around copyrighting, and some careful location picks.

We can do it.

Always, as promised,

1 comment:

  1. Er ... wow?
    I've just responded to your review of the alternative ending. Still flabbergasted that you want to do this but insanely flattered. Let me know if you need any help, okay?
    Mel xx
