Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Yo to the world!

So go to this blog
because you will read
A. A selfish immature person
B. A good laugh if you know me
C. Pity for those talked about.

And I just keep saying "Haha. Right." However the latest would make a smashing song. If only someone we knew could sing. The Dead?

Because you know what? Why can't we act like civil humans? We are as barabaric as they were many years ago. Technology has made it so. If someone got into an argument they'd battle to the death. Now days? "If someone get's into an argument let's blog about it instead of talking face to face. Sure I'll act one way to you in public but then I will tear it down."

Hell, I know I'm doing it right not, but I'm not calling you a fucking bitch like I want to.

You know that blog you assumed was about you? CONNER. Why the hell would I talk about a bitch screwing girls over? Oh sorry. I just called you a bitch. So you know what? Knock it the fuck off. Because we will have to deal with each other, and you know what, I'm the civil one about it. I don't flat out ignore the other person. That's rude. And that is the real spineless thing to do.

I am the victim. You are the bitch.

I wish I was 3 again. Because then people were friends just because they were there. They didn't care about the ruthless things in their pasts. They just say "hey were friends".

And you do know that the real unattractive thing is listing the things you hate about another person? Yep. It is. I don't. I just repeat the real story and the real truth. Both parts. I say what I did.

I was never into myself to be honest. Hell. I shouldn't be so damn defensive. Well, at least I'm not blaming the other person.

Go find someone who gives a shit. And not the manipulated zombies.

I know the next post doesn't involve me. You too inhumane to think anything nice or care about someone you hate so much.

Anyways: School's almost out which means Summer's almost in. Which also means I can do whatever I please, hopefully.

"Radical we DIE!"
+yes that will be the quote for awhile

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