Friday, July 10, 2009

A Day in the Life

I can remember back to seventh grade, when me and my best friend would sit outside the cafeteria, under the winter weather, and recite Chain Me Free...

Or too the end of eight grade year when all of us would stand up on the tables, singing the Jack Slap Cheer and Drive, and kids would look at us wierdly.

And then in ninth grade, at football games sing You (Don't) Know Me. That became our groups official theme song and we would sing it with pride and dignity. Though none of us could sing.

And then last year, we would randomly burst out into Yankee in a Chip Shop. And I would play To Build a Mountain in our AP Euro class. To not much applause. Except for those who loved us. (However when one of our friends would play a Holy Silent Night during the end of the year...she would). And when I was listening to Darkness Rising really loud and made a date that never happened with one of my friends, and he asked "who is this?" "ha. The Matches". I lent him the CDs naturally and when he gave them back someone asked what Cds they were. He said The Matches. They said you sucked. =[ He said he loved them and they were amazing.

And then we wait...nothing. A little Wicked Walk heard, but nothing more. Then we got wind of Jon going solo, and Shawn is Australia...and here we are....with this song...and nothing more....

Because for some reason I couldn't embed it.

-C. ( I am the Caik in Caik and Pye)
"I'll send you pretty things from out could we celebrate going away?"

P.S. How could one talk about a rumour that the head is dead, when the all is all gone?



  1. Imusicast and The Matches are some of the best memories I have.

    I’m sad that The Matches will be no more, but the death of The Matches will hopefully become the life of something great. I’m excited to see what musical projects are born.

  2. i feel the same sadness about the matches. we can only hope that sometime in the future there will be more from the members in the future. even if it is as individuals and not as a group.
