Saturday, June 20, 2009

Epic Song Memoir Puns

I think this is the best one so far
"I think Shawn got 'shot in the smile', toppled into a stack of papers inflicting a severe 'papercut' to the jugular which then resulted into a massive loss of 'audio blood'. This loss of blood caused his 'clumsy heart' to falter and fail. The 'salty eyes' might have occured post- mortem. I think we can rule out a 'sick little suicide' but we are forced to consider how deadly the Rhinovirus can be when combined with a sunburn..."

Jugular is a funny word. Oddly enough within the siting of the tragedy I am having a hard time uploading the autopsy. It isn't full, but somewhat professional. I can hardly understand what it is saying but it looks like MOF. Multiple Organ Failure. It is an ironic coincedence.

The report is very interesting but is hard to follow. I am also trying to put it into terms an idiot, such as myself many people assume (Evelyn), can follow.

I've been busy with school work though lately, and had a conference to work at, therefore I haven't had much time to do this, but will as soon as I can. Also I think I am getting sick. Stuffy nose, hurt throat, the whole ten yards.

So please tell people about this terrible loss and if you have anything to say it is best to say it to someones face, not the item of topic's blog.

“Death is a natural part of life. Rejoice for those around you who transform ... Mourn them do not. Miss them do not. Attachment leads to jealously. The shadow of greed, that is.”
[however i believe that would be...impossible]

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