Thursday, December 31, 2009


I am a trouble-maker.
You might say "batshit crazy"
And I might agree.
I keep things "cool" and "fresh" and "withit"
Beause I am simply badass.

And yes I am pretty full of myself.
I would have said "cocky" but it's not true. I have a vagina.

"either someone shot the Duke
or I'm talking scrambled eggs "

I think of Moulin Rouge.
Except he punched the Duke. And the Duke is a downright dumbass.

Sunday, December 27, 2009


I think I am missing something.
So I think I'll go back to my first purpose. Except that purpose is nothing but fear. (asphinctersayswhat?)


Friday, December 18, 2009


So incredibly pissed of
So reasonably fucked
So dangerously imbalance
So venomously angry
So distortedly thoughtful
So irrevocably rational
So gratuitously....nothing



"The course of true love never did run smooth"
-Shakespeare (is a liar; true love doesn't exist as does any love or like in the world)

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


I've posted everyday for the past three days...
and still wait on a respond.
I don't know what respond.
I don't know.

I'm okay.
I feel bad for Patrick.
Cuz he's amazing.
I still don't know what I want.
But I know the best Christmas present could be you.

"Oh my love we've lived in troubled days
Oh my friend we have the strangest ways
All my friends on this one day of days"
-Queen(Yeah they're one of my faves)
+Mike's really not anymore.

Monday, December 14, 2009


Just updating all the blogs. Except my books. So basically this and That*Shit.


This blog does nothing to open up the mind of people I aim it towards.
Hate and War is the worlds two messiah's.

+btw Maniac's kinda insane....

Sunday, December 13, 2009

.phail. .i am.

In general?:

I'm learning what to keep expecting of you.
It's not a lot.

Annoyed how much you don't care.
About the list above.

Trying to figure something out.
Because I hate it so much.

Missing you...being there to talk to.
Because you're my bestie.

Lost of all realistic thought. Even though it is becoming much more impossible.

Do you have a problem with me? Like being around you?
Then why did you do all of it? Why did u start it then?
I say it so much so dear gods answer me, I like it when you're around. You know that but don't like it when I am?
I hate where you've been, and what I notice and what I wish for.
I wish I could change how I feel and how it is...

"Sometimes the way it is, isn't the way it should be."

Friday, December 4, 2009


I don't know.
I'd like to.
But I don't care.
Either way
I'm happy.
The only time I'm not
is when they fawn
over you
and don't realize the

That's not my problem though
It's theres.
Love you.
"Sooner or later the mouse's clicking will get the book's attention calling it to themselves, and away from you"
-Frank Mata III
"You're free to leave me, just don't deceive me, and please believe me when I say I love you"
-Narcoleptic Argentinian

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


What does this mean?
Where does this go?
To agree?
Do you belive me now?
That I won't hurt you?
[I wont]
Is that what that kiss meant?
Or was it pitty?
[I don't believe that]

But what does it mean?
What the hell do you mean?
[You know I like you]
[I know you like me]
Is that what it meant?

Are you thinking about it?
Figuring something out?
[You don't need to think when it comes to me]
Can you just do?

[Because I want you,
and I want you to be mine.
My territorial claim.
Because you're amazing.]
Why do you keep doing it?
Looking like a whore?
When I know your not?
But it seems like it?
[That's not a big deal right now]

[I want to know what you meant]
What do you mean?
Where do we stand?
Are just going to be friends?
Although we like each other?

[Guesses for right now]
"it's just paint
they're just words
and fingers are for feeling
fists are for beating
scabs are for healing
and blood is for bleeding"
-The Matches

Monday, November 30, 2009

Scratched Out

My subconcious was right.
And when I let it do the writing.
It showed me...
It just didn't show me what of.

But now I know. And I appreciate it.
So thank you. And good day.

And just to let you know.
I've always been on the receiving line
Of pain and it's inevitable.

But I will never hurt you.
Promise. (and I try to keep those)
"Dreaming bout the day when you'll wake up and find
That what you're lookin for has been here the whole time"
-Taylor Swift (yes I am modern)

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Goes to Show

Friends come and go
And you can't always have them
So I don't think I want to

If you're the one
That makes me happy when my phone
But makes me stay up at night
I don't know what to think

Because you choose your own path
To be what you are now
And you will never get far
With anything
If you don't do something
You're afraid of
If that's it

Honestly, I don't know
What it is.
Why can't you
Just tell me.

That's too much trouble right?

"Ur the one who wanted to do something. Ur the one who just wanted to be with me. Ur the one who promised. Yet...U always fucking do this and it's worse [now] cuz u know how much it pisses me off and how much I can't stand to be abandoned...and here we stand...apart. You just txt me most of the break and then when were supposed to do something [u promised] u leave me. Maybe that's why everyone calls you a manwhore. U can't commit. U can't even commit to being someones best friend. That's just another broken promise isn't it? [With you] No promise goes unbroken."

I mean't every word. When I say "I didn't mean it" I mean I didn't mean to send it.
Cuz honestly you deserve so much worse than this.
You always ditch me. The one time you didn't was when you decided to invite yourself.
So good job at being a bestie.
Douche bag.

"Without trust there is no love."
-Narcoleptic Argentinean

Friday, November 27, 2009


I'm starting
to feel
and I have to
you could do better than me

However I still
want to
be with you
and I don't care
what way.

Boy or Best
I don't care.
Because you
are still
making me smile
every day
making me laugh
every day
making me love
every day
saving me
you are....

Away from civilization
I still look at my phone
and read old
to remind myself
you do care
and you are there.

And that makes me smile.

Away from civilization
And finally going to get some
just so I can make sure
you are okayy

Need some body...
"Ay me! for aught that I could ever read,
Could ever hear by tale or history,
The course of true love never did run smooth;
But either it was different in blood—"
-Lysander (of Shakespeare)

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

In essence of the being

I cannot
Being stuck
With these
Who can't
Me anyways.

I want
to be
With you
i do
love you
So why
don't you
come back
to everything
and this
will be better

Because I
Somebody to

"I need to laugh, and when the sun is out
I've got something I can laugh about
I feel good, in a special way
I'm in love and it's a sunny day "
-The Beatles

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

New Moon

So because New Moon has SIX (count 'em SIX) shirtless guys, all except one of which is hot (you know which one I am talking about) and has an amazing six pack...
Everybody Now!
Until I feel like embedding it.

"Open up your mind and let me step inside..."
-Queen (yeah i do a lot of their quotes)

Monday, November 23, 2009

Normal People

Enjoy holidays.
They enjoy what the world gives them.
They like spending time with their loved ones.
They are allowed to go see friends.
They go away on vacation.
They try to leave out school.
Because this is a holiday.

But fukk.
I can't stand it.
Right now?
The world has only one thing two offer me which i do take. The rest I hate.
I even hate what it's given me.
My loved ones are satan. They keep giving me shit, and they won't stop.
Which is hell.
They decide to lock me into the house with nothing to look forward to.
So I can't see the friends that are here.
Basketball and painting have consumed my life so what's the point of going away?
To come back to the mayhem it is.
I think I would rather be back in school, so I can stay away from this hell.
It'd be nice to see my friends...and such.

I used to only hate New Years and 4th of July...but now?
I'm actually looking forward to New Years. Yeah, shocker. Because I wont be stuck up in frozen over hell with my parents, my sister, and my sisters boyfriend.
And 4th of July has already past, so what's the point in dreding that?

Right now? This looks more like hell, because I am trapped from all corners to my Basketball and my room. Without any ties to the people I call friends.

"And turn it up on your radio, I got 200 seconds and I'm ready to go. I mean what can I say."

+yeah...I know this wasnt as deep and mysterious, go fuk urself if I care.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

The Show Must Go On

The play
that I'm writing
is so
much more amazing
then I
would have imagined

That's it.

"Another hero, another mindless crime; behind the curtain, in the pantomime"

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Everything in a Relationship

So I finally figured
you out
I now know what's you
I'm not going to it
right now
You know on an internet
rumor blog

Rumor...yeah that's
kinda right
Considering this is
a rumor
That's going on repeat in
my head

But at least I know why
you so
Hot and Cold, On and Off,
Best and Not
Because everything just
adds up.
To my final analysis
and my
final blog on the matter

Because if you can't just
try it
Or do something your afraid
Not that you ever said you
were afraid
but that's what everything
tells me...
I don't know what you are
As my best friend...

You choose:
To be there
Then to not
To love me
Then to not
To notice me
Then to not
To try me out
Then to not
To text me
Then to not
To be there...
Then to not.

So it's one of two reasons...
a)The one I just thought of...which I wont say on here, but you can probably figure
out (nudgetitlenudge)
b)Or that all you want out of me is something. That's the only reason you'll do any of the above

Who knows. It could be both.

I love you but your not who you said you would be.
To me.

"Not it's too late, for me it's too late, I'm burn burn burning, yeah my hearts giving into my eyes."

+I'm actually happy today...I guess...I always though only you could do that, but figuring out is like a whole new me. Or something like that.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Set Up to Knock Down

Every time hope goes up
Or every time it doesn't
You still manage to break
Everything in me
That loves you.
I don't know why
But I still do.
Maybe you should just
tell me to go away.

Whatever makes you happy.
But to let you know:
This doesn't make me...

"Wait, please don't go
I won't stay
All these words on replay
I'm okay
It's all right
Good to know that you're fine

Pretending everything is right to make it better
Align my makeup smeared eyes
To show that I tried"


Monday, November 9, 2009

My Dog's getting Fat; Maybe I Should Stop Feeding her Cheez-Its

So lately?
(as if anybody reads this)
I've been good.
Like not about to do anything to stupid.
Or anything thoughtless.

But still...
I doubt things
Because every time they are up
They get torn down.
So what is the point of hoping?
To be glad for the moment?
And then phail later,
When the latter is what should be the best for you.

Yeah that.

Friends are easier now
And I just want to be in the loop
Not a thousand miles away.
And I don't know what I want
From the other.
Just a friend
is what I need right now.

Because when hell comes
It comes in the form of me.

"How can u just leave me standing? Alone in a world so cold?...Why do we scream at each other This is what it sounds like When doves cry"

+yes. the previous post was Queen and this is Prince. I get it. It wasn't on purpose. (one of the book blog)

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Yeah; Basically

So I'm thinking
I might just self-shun
Just because
no one will tell me
the truth.
Even if I
ask for it which
I do.

I'm sick of hoping
for it to be torn down.
It is every fucking
time you get it up.
haha. no not that way.

This isn't for you
This isn't for me
It's for them
The ones who I call friends...
The ones who I feel have slapped me
Who can't just tell me what the fuck is going on.
It's for them

Self shunning sounds alright.
Because I can't lie to myself
I can, true, and I will...
but still...
At least I know what's going on

I'm wiser than I've ever been but more full of shit than I'll ever be again...what the hell is going on? either I been missing something or nothing.
-The Matches

Friday, November 6, 2009

White is not a Race

I dont even know how it happened.
But I can't get rid of you.
I can't stop talking to you.
I can't not love you.

I don't eve know why but I do.

Maybe it's because you were there for me when no one else was
Maybe it's because you can always make me smile
Maybe it's because you are just you

And that makes me happy on my own.

Yes. You did make it worse. Yes. You still do.
But only when you aren't my best friend.
And when I can't explain things correctly.
Like now.

For some odd reason my heart aches right now.
Whether or not it's from the pizza or just you you should tell me.
I wish things were different.
Or the same.
I no not which.

PS The Box is out
And No. I dont have a song to put here


i thought you were different
you are the same
Both said they cared
That they'd be there
And then they fucked off

You never called to make sure I was okay
You never came over and sat down with me
You never wanted to just say hello
You never were what you said you would be

You said you loved me.
Over and over again.
Am I being ignorant?
Or are you just not understanding what those words mean.
Because they mean more than what you are giving them.

I will always be there for you.

Little do you know that I trust you
Ordinary people don't have what I do for you
Vouch for me and I will for you
Even though everyones deserted you I am here

You always make me smile, no matter how shitty I feel
Only when you cry around me I do about you
Unless the apocolypse happens, I am by your side...even then

I thought you were my best friend
And I really don't know what to think.
Because if you can read this and say NOTHING it means you have NOTHING for me.

Like I don't have any more respect for you.


"Don't waste your time on me, your already the voice inside my head"

Thursday, November 5, 2009

zomg; makedamnsure

You know what?
your an ass.
After you promised you wouldn't be.
After you said you'd be there.
After you said you wouldn't ditch me. Again.
But you did.
Ditch me.
You were an extreme douche.
You weren't there.

I wouldn't be so pissed off
yes the infamous if...
you didn't lie about it.
I would still be mad, yes,
But it would have made YOU less of a douche.
Cuz right now is when things come up.

Such as:

I get up in the morning to see four people:
My best friend, My girl best friend. My sister. And my Moose.
You being the first one.
But "seeing" as I haven't "seen" you in a FUCKING WEEK...
and when I was supposed to you LIE TO ME...

So that is where I stand.
I want to make sure you know WHY I am mad at you.
And tell you I dont think I'm being bitch.
I think you are being Sir Douche Bag.

"You are everything I want, 'cause you are everything I'm not"

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Halloween Night

Roses are Black
Corpses are Blue
I'm sick of this Halloween Shit.
So I'll just say:
"Fuck You"

"Red and Black. It's White and Green."

Friday, October 23, 2009

Well Shit.

You know what?
In the midst of loss and confusion I have one question to ask.
"Where is the goddammed new Manic post!?"
Yeah that's right.
I will have a TON of sad ass hell posts about how I'm falling for my best friend and CADDAMMABAMA!
I want to know where the new post is for maniac. I mean EXCUSE me but do I have to bring up the whole "Shawn is Dead!" Thing again?
Besides being my companies name some how.
But still! Where is the new post? I have been checking and checking and nothing! I want Maniac and I want Shawn motherfucking Harris.
I think that's all I am saying.
Oh. And I wanna watch Paranormal Activity but my best friend wont watch it with me. He was too busy being a bad ass at football. Beat that ABC!

"Goddam motherfucker got blood allover my best clown suit"
-Night of 1000 Corpses (I<3RobZombie!)

Thursday, October 22, 2009


so what does this
this as in
i dont know where to go

thats all


+dum dum dumdum dum dumdum dum dumdum
-Imperial March

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

See There

I was right.
I just was.
I don't
Think I want to
Date you.
I just want
You to be
Around me...
A best friend


Revolution is stuck in my head but I'm to lazy to put the quote xP

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


All day today
I can't help but think
Of how you were there
When my life fell to peices
And how when I was sad
Upset about how long it was
Since I had had a boyfriend
You told me, sir,
That I should date you

We laughed and joked
You are my best friend
I always smiled with you
Always when I talked to you
I never ever thought
That I would feel like this
Cuz it was never you
But someone else

However now my heart tells me
That I should have said yes
Told you I didnt care
If you were joking I would
Take you anyways
To be my own
Because I want to claim you
Selfish enough to love you

I figured this out now
Because of everytime you are around
Another girl, or just not
Besides me, I miss you
And I want you to be with me
If not more than friends,
I still want you by my side

Because I figured this out
That you have never let me down
I wish I had nerve enough
To tell you this
But I can't....Because
I dont want to ruin our friendship
That would be too much
Especially since I just got you back

So if you read this, which I doubt
Know that I care about you
And want you by my side
To be my best friend
Someone I can hug and cry on
Because...just because


P.S. "If heaven and hell decide, they are both satisfied...If there's no one beside you when your soul embarks then I'll follow you into the dark."
-Death Cab for Cutie

Sunday, October 18, 2009

the Flight!

Flying through the rainbow sky
Unknow that in a few minutes
Your world will die

Flying through the ancient lies
You know you can see more of
Your entire fine

To ressurect the ancient slumber
and to become the mask you wear
To never take for granted who you are
Just exist as one, and never go far

--that's it for now--

"Is anybody going to listen to my story, i'll about the girl who came to stay?"
-The Beatles

Saturday, October 17, 2009

oh damn

so what can you say?
Except that I'm glad he's back.
Sort of.
Except that he's not much.
Just cuz.
He's always a flirt to more.
Than you.
Tho you love him and used to think different.
You still did, but brotherly.
So now.
It's different to you.
You want him to be for you.

"for the sake of cow..."
-Big Bang/Haley

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Piss Off

Is a lost cause when it comes to stalking.
As in.
You are being stalked
and they
dont understand what you say.
I dont wanna talk to you.
Or like.
Just fuck off. I cant talk right now.
But yet.
They will stare at you.
When you.
Cant help but pray they arent around.
Wiccan can pray if i want.
But I.
Wont because it's lost cause.
Because of that motherfucker.
Who is.
Just turning into his bloody brother.
Who you.
Just dont wanna ever see again.
But somehow.
There is just a magnetic force.
You want to talk to them.
They are your best friend.
When she.
Decided to quit, and go.
You still miss the stalker.
Just cause.
He was there when no one.
Else was.


P.S. I dont want to make the effort.

"I was born yesterday
and I will die long before tomorrow
staying put, there's nothing to it
but we make staying in love look so hard though

I I tried so hard
I tried only to find
it's easy, so easy,
love's so easy you would not believe me

I was dead
yesterday, long before I met you
just a breath
is all we get
to hold it like just once it won't slip through

Who would believe in love?
who would believe me?
believe in love
I was born yesterday
believe me, it's easy
oh, now, do you believe me?

You won't believe
would you believe?
I was born yesterday"

I felt posting the whole song was best.

Friday, September 25, 2009

The Annxiety

This war has gone on long enough
Granted, it could go on longer
But my love is just to tough
And this song could be a little bit lamer

Let try something else

So this war is gettting us no where
Except the bottom of the barraled ends
To try to exist furthmore
Is just a funnyly tied meenddd

Because my life is getting no where
I just want your life to be over
Get a clue, and take a chance
Do what you're gunna do, just do
Because attention seeking miss-affextion to the boys who all want in your pants
Is not right.
Your not right
To a miss-correction, a little sex and personality test, to make your positive
in all regions
your of regions

My life is never gonna be well
This war is gonna be over
A Valkyrie style chance to meet your maker
To tell you when is just a cover

Because our life is getting no where
I just want your chance to be over
Get a clue, and take a pill
Do what you're gunna do, just do
Because attention seeking miss-affextion to the boys who all want in your pants
Is not right.
Your not right
To a miss-correction, a little sex and personality test, to make your positive
in all regions
your of regions

Regional adventures to a certain degree, or a miss-commution in the circulation, your pills, and booze, and bods all in the circulation, in my circulation
Rightoues above any answer that the war has got to give, in the chance of certification, show you id, your lovely personality and lock of control

Because attention seeking miss-affextion to the boys who all want in your pants
Is not right.
Your not right
To a miss-correction, a little sex and personality test, to make your positive
in all regions
your of regions
Because attention seeking miss-affextion to the boys who all want in your pants
Is not right.
Your not right
To a miss-correction, a little sex and personality test, to make your positive
in all regions
your of regions

To upset!


Comments?THey will be loved.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

In World War III....

I'm writing a comic, an epic comic, of freedom, beauty, truth and love. AND "yes" I did steal that from Moulin Rouge only because it it waht i fuckin believe. SO please do, or do not, there is no try, to give me an intake:

What is your name and would your name be in a WWIII comic such as I am writing.
Any ideas? Please commenteh.


"You want a war, here's world war 2"
-The Producers.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Oh my fuck; I did however laugh my ass off

How in gods' names does that happen?
Oh wait?
Nope. No answer.

Thank you to count, Shawn.

I am trying to find people to help me out for my play and my book. So please help me out. I know Gary Soto is trying to help but....


P.S. Just cuz, I do have a musical for you. Try WW2. Or a school that seems like it.

"Gotta get me there dead or alive babe."
"I am a musical prostitute my dear"

BOTH Freddie.

"Shawnisdead has a blog too. This isn't the Matches or SWN. This isn't even Maniac. This is covers of #1 songs from billboard. Lighten up-- it's just not all that serious 'round here. I dig your blog you crazy motherfucker.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

ShawnisDead! needs to be...

In the beginning?
Shawn is Dead! was just and internet rumor of an alleged singer.
Shawn is Dead! was one persons creation to fame.
Shawn is Dead! was nothing it wants to be now.
Shawn is Dead! was not waiting for you.

What it wants?
Shawn is Dead! needs to have the information for people to want to get
Shawn is Dead! needs to be an internet source for all creativity without being destructive.
Shawn is Dead! needs to be anything you want it to be.
Shawn is Dead! needs to have an existance for you.

To me?
Shawn is Dead! is the company I use to produce my plays.
Shawn is Dead! is the copyright information for anything I do.
Shawn is Dead! is the author to my music, and my sound.
Shawn is Dead! is the valued right to be who I want to be, without being me.

To you?
Shawn is Dead! wants to be your portal to creativity.
Shawn is Dead! wants to help make your life better.
Shawn is Dead! wants to show you what you can do.
Shawn is Dead! wants you to answer this question.

To the world?
Shawn is Dead! wats to make a difference for the future of tomorow.
Shawn is Dead! doesn't care what that is.
Shawn is Dead! could care less about income tax, as long as you, the future exist.
Shawn is Dead! wants to be the real change.

Try for our website, possibly to get, for you.

"If we're not the change, we want to see, If we're not the change, who will, who will be?"
-We Are One

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Challenge? Please Come and Do...

I have an of Augest 18th the CaiknPye foundation has become a single unit known soley as Shawn is Dead! for the Caik part of CaiknPye. You can know why by reading the following:

Have you ever found that people who lie, excuse, and completely disregard every word you have ever said seem to have a certain gen se qua about them? That they seem to think that the world is cotroled by them, and that people only want to listen to them? That whatever they do is gold? Yeah....that...
Well the latter part of the "Co" has been around the past. And she is certaintly being everything she thinks is that.
So latter part of the "Co" has given up on the latter part. Becasue I am certaintly sick of this...and everything else.

So this has added to the Caik being Shawn is Dead! and I have a challenge for thee!!!
See when we were CaiknPye we had an idea. to create a Queen Musical...and it is going to be fantastic, until the latter part lost the play. Go figure. So I am writing it with Mandy Moose...and Tyler Tottoe. With a little help from my adopted sister, Haley, and BeatleBird, and Zach...That is all.

So my Challenge is that I can create any musical from a CD...Such as...Panic's A Feer You Cant Sweat Out, All Time Low's CD whose name I cant remember....The One with Dear Maria + Automatic Loveletter's EPs and give me CD name and artist and in 2 days I will have a story and maybe a treatment, you never know. xD

e-mail it,

+ I've got your picture, I'm coming with you, dear Maria, count me in. There is a picture at the bottom of this bottle and I'm the pin. xD

Monday, August 3, 2009

I Exist Right?

As little believe read I am Shawn is Dead! and I am creating an image to this farther deepset then the rumour that natorious Shawn Harris is dead. I am creating this deeper than Maniac and wiser that The Beatles. They are repetitive. However to go farther in depth than this Green Day song in my head and a Backstreet Boys song playing on my stereo would be hard. I roll my eyes.
I work for this because I am alone and because I want to tell as may as I can how well I am.

I will work, and I will win.
At least in my dreams.
I am Shawn is Dead! and I am out.
-Skigh....formerly more as C. for the lesser part of Caik n Pye, Caik. But that was a different time. I am Skigh now.

Friday, July 10, 2009

A Day in the Life

I can remember back to seventh grade, when me and my best friend would sit outside the cafeteria, under the winter weather, and recite Chain Me Free...

Or too the end of eight grade year when all of us would stand up on the tables, singing the Jack Slap Cheer and Drive, and kids would look at us wierdly.

And then in ninth grade, at football games sing You (Don't) Know Me. That became our groups official theme song and we would sing it with pride and dignity. Though none of us could sing.

And then last year, we would randomly burst out into Yankee in a Chip Shop. And I would play To Build a Mountain in our AP Euro class. To not much applause. Except for those who loved us. (However when one of our friends would play a Holy Silent Night during the end of the year...she would). And when I was listening to Darkness Rising really loud and made a date that never happened with one of my friends, and he asked "who is this?" "ha. The Matches". I lent him the CDs naturally and when he gave them back someone asked what Cds they were. He said The Matches. They said you sucked. =[ He said he loved them and they were amazing.

And then we wait...nothing. A little Wicked Walk heard, but nothing more. Then we got wind of Jon going solo, and Shawn is Australia...and here we are....with this song...and nothing more....

Because for some reason I couldn't embed it.

-C. ( I am the Caik in Caik and Pye)
"I'll send you pretty things from out could we celebrate going away?"

P.S. How could one talk about a rumour that the head is dead, when the all is all gone?


Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Wow. How many deaths....

It's silly. Ever ince this site, there has been may deaths happening. From Michael Jackson to that ex-football player. So what happens now.
My computer crashed. I lost the autopsy, that sounds like an epic failure as an excuse, but it's true. I shall try to retrieve it later. But do to my cow dying, [this epic battle skipping,] my computer crashing, and this movie I am making, I have been unable to do ANYTHING.
I am terribly sorry for this inconvinience and I think the Matches could not break up, with or wthout Shawn, and that people are ridiculous.
I for one do have friends. More than you probably have, ON the internet. Truth betold I don't like many of them. But a select few I do. And I may be fat, but gods know I where what you WISH you had nerve and style to wear. I enjoy compliments.

So good morrow. And I do not have a quote for today. Maybe...hold on...okay
"No one wants to be mortal; we all want to be immortal. The only way you become immortal is that your work lives on."
-Michael Jackson

And thank you for that spelling. =D

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Epic Song Memoir Puns

I think this is the best one so far
"I think Shawn got 'shot in the smile', toppled into a stack of papers inflicting a severe 'papercut' to the jugular which then resulted into a massive loss of 'audio blood'. This loss of blood caused his 'clumsy heart' to falter and fail. The 'salty eyes' might have occured post- mortem. I think we can rule out a 'sick little suicide' but we are forced to consider how deadly the Rhinovirus can be when combined with a sunburn..."

Jugular is a funny word. Oddly enough within the siting of the tragedy I am having a hard time uploading the autopsy. It isn't full, but somewhat professional. I can hardly understand what it is saying but it looks like MOF. Multiple Organ Failure. It is an ironic coincedence.

The report is very interesting but is hard to follow. I am also trying to put it into terms an idiot, such as myself many people assume (Evelyn), can follow.

I've been busy with school work though lately, and had a conference to work at, therefore I haven't had much time to do this, but will as soon as I can. Also I think I am getting sick. Stuffy nose, hurt throat, the whole ten yards.

So please tell people about this terrible loss and if you have anything to say it is best to say it to someones face, not the item of topic's blog.

“Death is a natural part of life. Rejoice for those around you who transform ... Mourn them do not. Miss them do not. Attachment leads to jealously. The shadow of greed, that is.”
[however i believe that would be...impossible]

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Cranberry Sauce somehow translates feverishly

Good news, the autopsy repot is on its way. And on a side note, did you know that oppostorphies (<--- how do you spell that anyways?) mean possesion. So next time your child is being possesed by some demon spirit you'll know "that's an oppostrophy!"

Shawn Harris is another story. I don't have much to report, only that the report of the report is being reported elsewhere, and you should get going nowhere.

Nicole, dear, you are one smart person.


"It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live."

Monday, June 15, 2009

That which is said

Recently discovering on that posts have been posted. Whether or not truely written by is unknown, though the video on the latest one must be realization. However the death of Shawn Harris was untold to many, so maybe the truth could just be pulled.
The cause of death is unknown still, but may have clues. Cuts and bruises appear, while other diss.

However comments on his blog are a bit to intense, and a bit not enough, suppose you were the one dead? Experience it, I have.


"A glooming peace this morning with it brings;
The sun for sorrow will not show his head.
Go hence, to have more talk of these sad things;
Some shall be pardon'd, and some punished;"

"Truth shall unravel in its end"

(And blue is to show up)

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Unknown to Many

Shawn Harris, the led vocalists and rhythm guitarist of the alternative punk band The Matches, has recently been announced as dead.
For the moment the reason behind his death is unknown, but the autopsy files will been soon released for viewing by media.

Shawn Harris was loved, and will still be for many, for the next few days, may he be in your memories and keep checking back for more information on this untimely death.

-C & B
Thank You and wishes for the loved ones of this man. He was the best thing since sliced bird. =]

Shawn Harris Pictures, Images and Photos